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Home   Education and training resources

QCA produces a wide range of resources to support education and training providers. These resources have been developed by experts to aid teachers in delivering the national curriculum, to help them assess the progress of their pupils and deliver accredited qualifications.

To obtain further information on the types of resources available from QCA related to the national curriculum, assessment and qualifications, click on the link to QCA Orderline at the bottom of this page.

Assessing progress

QCA has worked with education partners to develop a suite of formative assessment support materials for key stages 1, 2 and 3. There are separate packs and a multimedia INSET toolkit for each key stage, forming a comprehensive teacher support and professional training programme.

National curriculum

For teachers delivering the national curriculum to pupils aged 3-16, this section provides access to a wide range of publications and websites to help support planning and teaching within the classroom.

Tests and tasks: assessment 

For teachers assessing pupil progress against the national curriculum during the various key stages, this section provides access to QCA’s national and optional tests, as well as additional tasks designed to inform teacher assessment.


For awarding bodies, training providers and employers, this section provides access to QCA’s fully searchable and free national qualifications database. This database contains a complete and up-to-date listing of all nationally recognised qualifications that have been accredited by QCA, along with qualification expiry dates and accreditation numbers, as well as details of the awarding bodies and qualification units.

Accessing QCA resources


In Ages 3-14